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Have a Sunny Heart!

I'm a "Friend-to-the-End" and I'm here to listen and assist you anyway I can...

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Contact Me Anytime:
Home/Office: 707-444-9650
Cellphone: 707-572-8115
Toll-Free: 855-415-RBSe(7273)
Live Chat: In the Corner
Email: RBSe@Yahoo.com

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Table of Contents:

My Recent Trip to a Sacred Land

My oldest and best friend, since we were 13 years old (I'm 61 now), is dying a slow and painful death from prostate and bone cancer, although has improved since my visit, and I somehow got the money to go back to Dayton Ohio and spend a week with him, and we went to "Serpent Mound", an Ancient Indian Burial Ground 896 years old, and we witnessed a powerful spiritual energy there that was unmistakably real. This energy has uplifted me to a new sense of awareness and spiritual awakening.

Serpent Mound

The Great Serpent Mound is a 1,348-foot (411 m)-long, three-foot-high prehistoric effigy mound on a plateau of the Serpent Mound crater along Ohio Brush Creek in Adams County, Ohio. In the late nineteenth century, Frederic Ward Putnam excavated two mounds near Serpent Mound, and he found artifacts and villages belonging to the Adena and the Fort Ancient cultures. Studies conducted in the 1990s dated the structure to A.D. 1120, or the Fort Ancient culture.

Not a non-denominational, but an ALL-denominational Religion of Reason.


                       A RELIGION BASED ON REASON

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What is Spiritual Humanism?

A religion based on the ability of human beings to solve
the problems of society using logic and science.

       Most people need a religion to help guide them through
lifes challenges and difficult moral decisions.

        Recognizing the power of religious rituals, methods,
and communication on human behavior, Spiritual Humanism
fuses traditional religious behaviors onto the foundation of
scientific humanist inquiry.

       While it is impossible to remove age-old traditions
from human culture, Spiritual Humanism seeks to redirect
them by redefining their underlying significance and mean-
       Spiritual Humanism is natural, not supernatural. By
using a method of scientific inquiry humans can define the
inspirational divine spark inherent in all living creatures.


Practices, Rituals, & Exercises

Spiritual Humanism does not require its members to perform
any particular practices. It recognizes that each persons
spirituality has to be developed individually. Spiritual Human-
ism encourages everyone is free to draw upon whatever
religious tradition and behaviors are most appropriate for their
own unique situation and background.

       Listed below are a collection of suggested practical
instructions on what you can do to improve your ability to reach
your own goals, focus your thoughts and efforts, and highlight
your personal connection to the universe and the rest of



Here are some simple instruction on how to Meditate to
increase your ability to concentrate and focus.

How to Meditate:

       Get in a comfortable sitting position in a quiet, candlelit
place. It is preferable to try to have your spine straight, but do
what is comfortable. (It is not always good to lie down, as this
may make you sleepy. But again, do what works for you.) Get
totally relaxed, make sure you have at least 10 minutes of
undisturbed time.

      Close your eyes. For a minute or so just breathe and
pay attention to your breath. Breathe in and out. Focus on the
sound, smell, and feeling of the air that circulates through your
body as your lungs expand and contract, as you inhale and
exhale. If thoughts or images enter your mind, dismiss them
and let them go as friends you will greet at another time.
Always returning you focus to breathing.

      Some find it helpful after a minute or so of relaxing, to
repeat the mantra "OM." Do this for a time period that is
comfortable for you. Ten minutes is good, but a little more or
less is fine. When you are done, just stay in this relaxed state
a few minutes, with your eyes closed, before you return to your
daily activities.

       Here is a great video to help you relax:
David G. Hunt Relaxation Video

       This was created by David G. Hunt, my business partner of 10
years, and friend for 30 years, who died of a heart attack in
December of 2015. He was a very talented man...


Learned Optimism

Learned Optimism is a technique developed by Dr. Martin
E.P. Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania. Scientific
studies have proven this method to increase a persons ability
to succeed at achieving their goals and generally be happier.

      You can learn more about this technique in Dr. Selig-
man's book "Learned Optimism" available at libraries and
bookstores everywhere.


The Scientific Method

What is the "Scientific Method"?

      The Scientific Method is the best way yet discovered
for winnowing the truth from lies and delusion. The simple ver-
sion looks something like this:

1. Observe some aspect of the universe.
2. Invent a theory that is consistent with what you have ob-
3. Use the theory to make predictions.
4. Test those predictions by experiments or further observa-
5. Modify the theory in the light of your results.
6. Go to step 3 to test the new theory.

Spiritual Humanism recognizes that any religion not based on
the Scientific Method can never fully reveal truth to its mem-


Continual Improvement

It has to be recognized that we don't yet have all the
answers. The code of human conduct cannot yet be written in
stone because we still have much to learn. If we find better
ways to think, understand, or explain the world around us we
must adopt these methods.

      Spiritual Humanism actively seeks to achieve incre-
mental, Continual Improvement with contributions from the full
range of human experience. It also recognizes the need to
apply the method of Continual Improvement to all areas of
human activity and to manifest this by helping others improve
their condition and mode of living.



For any movement, especially a religious one, to be success-
ful it must actively be promoted and expanded by its mem-
bers. Without the persistent efforts of its members, it will
flounder and fail. One of the essential tasks of those who
recognize the truths disclosed by the methods of Spiritual
Humanism is to help others discover the validity of these
methods for themselves.


Solstice & Equinox

Observing holidays is a tradition intertwined with spirituality.
The depth of humanity's need for holy days and the biological
connection to the earths early cycles are subjects that have not
been satisfactorily researched.

       Here are some astronomical events that have been
used to mark holy days in many different religions for thou-
sands of years. Celebrating these events recognizes both the
continuity of humanity over thousands of years and how hu-
mans have progressed from the simple agrarians who de-
pended upon astronomical sightings for their survival.


Winter Solstice

       The Winter Solstice is the shortest day of the year, with
the sun at its lowest and weakest. In the Northern Hemisphere
it usually occurs around December 21st. In pagan Scandi-
navia the winter festival was the Yule, celebrated by burning
the hearth fires of the magically significant Yule log. In the
Celtic Druid culture the Winter Solstice was celebrated by
hanging sacred mistletoe over a doorway or in a room to offer
goodwill to visitors.

       Germanic tribes decorated a pine or fir tree with can-
dles and tokens. The Inca held midwinter ceremonies at
temples that served as astronomical observatories like Machu
Pichu. Romans celebrated this event with Saturnalia, a festival
of merrymaking, and decorating their homes and temples with
holly and evergreens. Also popular was the exchange of small
gifts thought to bring luck on the recipient.

       In the fourth century AD, Christian authorities in Rome
attempted to eliminate the pagan festivities by adopting De-
cember 25th as Christ's birthday. The effort was never com-
pletely successful, and eventually many Winter Solstice cus-
toms were incorporated into Christmas observances.

       Since so many of these traditions have persisted for
thousands of years despite extensive efforts to eliminate
them, we think it best to celebrate the Winter Solstice with
these ancient customs, recognizing our links to the rest of
humanity, past and present.


Spring Equinox

       Spring or Vernal Equinox, also known as Ostara,
Easter, and St. Patrick's Day, occurs in the middle of March in
the Northern Hemisphere. It marks the beginning of Spring
and the time when days and nights are of equal length.
Megalithic people on Europe's Atlantic fringe calculated the
date of the Spring Equinox using circular monuments con-
structed of huge stones. Germanic tribes associated it with the
fertility goddess Ostara.

       The Mayans of Central America still gather at the
pyramid at Chichen Itza, which was designed to produce a
shadow on the Spring Equinox. The Ancient Saxons held a
feast day for their version of the fertility goddess, Eostre, on
the full moon following the Vernal Equinox. Eostre is associ-
ated with the symbols of decorated eggs and hares.

       Ancient influences from the worship of the goddess
Ostara or Eostre have persisted in the form of fertility symbols
of Easter eggs and the hare or rabbit. By the use of these
symbols of spring, rebirth, and fertility we reinforce our con-
nection to humanity's past.


Summer Solstice

       Summer Solstice, sometimes known as Midsummer,
Litha, or St. John's Day, occurs around June 21st in the
Northern Hemisphere. It is a celebration of the longest day of
the year and the beginning of Summer. The first (or only) full
moon in June is called the Honey Moon. Tradition holds that
this is the best time to harvest honey from the hives and was a
popular time to get married because of the events association
with fertility gods and goddesses. Harvests of St. Johns Wort
were used in potions and woven into garlands to decorate and
protect houses and domestic animals.

       Slav and Celt tribes celebrated Summer Solstice with
huge bonfires and people would jump over the embers for
luck. In Scandinavia women and girls ceremonially bathed in
rivers. In Portugal, people say that St. John's Eve water pos-
sesses great healing power. Before dawn both cattle and
young children are bathed in rivers or dew, to ensure health
and strength. In Russia, the Summer Solstice celebration is
called Kupalo. Kupalo comes from the verb kupati, to bathe,
and mass baths were taken on Midsummer morning.

       Celebrating the Summer Solstice with bonfires and
ceremonial bathing recognizes and strengthens our connec-
tions to nature and humanity.


Fall Equinox

       In the Northern Hemisphere the Autumnal Equinox,
occurs around September 23rd or 24th. It is also known as
Michaelmas, Mabon, and Harvest Home.

     Traditionally the Japanese marked the spring and fall
Equinox with higan, a seven day period in which they remem-
ber their ancestors by visiting the family grave, cleaning the
tombstone, offering flowers and food, burning incense sticks,
and praying. The Polish Feast of Greenery involves bringing
bouquets and foods for blessing by a priest, then using them
for medicine or keeping them until the following years harvest.

       The Roman celebration of the Fall Equinox was dedi-
cated to Pomona, goddess of fruits and growing things. A
feast was celebrated with a traditional well-fattened goose,
which had fed well on the stubble of the fields after the harvest.
Another tradition of the Autumnal Equinox is the use of ginger.
All manner of foods seasoned with ginger are part of the day's
menu from gingerbread to ginger beer.

       In England, the last sheaf of corn harvested repre-
sented the 'spirit of the field' and was made into a doll. Corn
dolls were drenched with water representing rain or burned to
represent the death of the grain spirit.

        Large wickerwork figures were also constructed to
represent a vegetation spirit and burnt in mock sacrifice.
Farmers and merchants gathered at fairs. Often a large glove
was suspended above the fair, symbolizing the handshake of
promises and openhandedness and generosity.

       The tradition of celebrating the end of summer with a
'burning man' has been enthusiastically revived in the US as a
festival of performance art and creativity. Participating in your
own burning man celebration is a powerful way to connect with
humanity, past and present.



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Why Are Art, Music, and Natural Wonders Important?

       Because people are emotional, spiritual creatures. We
have evolved into beings which are inspired, motivated and
changed by emotional stimulus. The the only way to help
people accept life's truth is to deliver it to them in an appeal-
ing, inspirational package.

       Spiritual Humanism draws upon these sources to in-
spire and motivate, to help us learn more about our world and
the place we hold in it.

   To learn more about Spiritual Humanism
visit our web site:


          This is the answer!

          Spiritual Humanism

                          copyright 2002


Principles and Tenets of Spiritual Humanism

1. Behold Nature with reverence.

By instinct we are inspired by the beauty of nature – a fiery sunset, the starry
night sky, springtime flowers, or autumn leaves.

2. Base religion upon Reason.

Religious  truth  can  only  be  found  through  science,  the  basis of all the
knowledge that makes our civilization possible.

3. Treat all people as equals.

Everyone  deserves  the  same  level  of respect, opportunities, and right to be
happy. No one is born as a superior to anyone else.

4. Act to reduce suffering and misery, and advance contentment, and happiness.

Everyone must obey the same standards of good and bad behavior. Doing good deeds
makes the world a better place.

5. Protect things that belong to everyone.

Fresh  air, clean rivers, and healthy oceans are all things that every one has a
right  to enjoy, and no one has a right to spoil. It’s our duty to protect these
public treasures.

6. Celebrate seasons and cycles with ritual.

We are part of nature. Recognizing it brings us closer to our natural roots.

7. Cultivate spiritual abilities by application.

By practicing we can get better at being inspired and knowing our own abilities.

8. Exalt the correlation of past, present, and future.

What  we  do today affects the world of the future. Things done in the past like
preserving  the environment, finding cures for diseases, or writing an inspiring
song, still help us today.

9. Champion these principles.

When  you  believe  in  something you must be ready to stand up for yourself and
defend it. Otherwise some one else will step in and make things worse.

10. Improve these codes as we learn more.

Only  through learning and changing our actions based on the new information can
we  grow and make the world better. Even our dearest beliefs must always be open
to improvement.


The 7 Principles of Religious Humanism

by The Reverend Joseph Ben-David

The  teaching  and practice of humanism as a naturalistic religion that combines
reason and feeling includes the following elements of faith:

1.  The  center  of  humanistic  striving  is the fulfillment of the call of God
understood  as  ideal  reality  to  be optimally actualized in the life of every
individual  and  society  at  large.  Thus,  the faith of the Church of Humanism
implies  a  religion  of actuality. The religious postulate "to understand, love
and  serve God" - in a rational and naturalistic sense - is the first element of
our faith.

2.  Human beings bear a unique and sacred responsibility for one another and the
planet  earth. The development of our capacities for reason, love and wisdom, as
well  as  the  authentic  relatedness  toward  oneself,  others and the universe
represents the second element of our faith.

3. Human dignity and fulfillment rest on ethical and moral factors, particularly
the  freedom  of conscience, and they imply the explicit duty of non-resignation
to all forces of evil. Thus, the need to elevate and strengthen character and to
foster  resistance  to  actions and involvements that abuse, violate and oppress
other  human  beings,  animals  and the environment, is the third element of our

4.  In  religious  quests, the criterion of ethics is truth - truth seen, not as
relative  opinion,  empty  abstraction or statements erroneously proven by false
evidence,  but as a statement, thought or feeling that corresponds with reality.
Therefore,  the  reconstruction of the concept of truth is the fourth element of
our faith.

5.  Crucial  to  the concept of God as ideal reality is the comprehension of the
word "reality" as synonymous with that which is, was, or will be. Reality is the
opposite  of  the  fictitious,  illusionary or delusionary. Recognizing that our
perception is limited by our sensory apparatus, the need to transcend the brutal
aspects of nature and to attain higher states of being through the modalities of
spiritual  enlightenment,  the sciences and the arts is the fifth element of our

6.  The  practice  of  religious humanism requires the concentration of all life
forces  on  the  tasks  that  are  most  important  in  the  fulfillment of each
individual's  destiny.  The challenge is to focus on the ultimately relevant, to
penetrate to the roots, and to be aware of primal causes. The striving to become
a  part  of  the sensory-awakened avant-garde of society, while identifying with
all humanity, is the sixth element of our faith.

7.  Recognizing  the  necessity  for  the  unification of the central humanistic
truths  inherent  in  all  world  faiths  and schools of thought and aspiring to
advance  their fusion in a panreligious, ethically pluralistic sense, permeating
the  minds  and  hearts of as many people as possible, is the seventh element of
our faith.

Copyright © 2012 by Rev. Joseph Ben-David


"A  religion  old  or  new,  that  stressed  the  magnificence of the universe as
revealed  by  modern  science, might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence
and  awe  hardly  tapped  by  the  conventional  faiths. Sooner or later, such a
religion will emerge."

Carl Sagan


Rose Quartz: Reconnecting Us With Love

Sometimes we forget that our very essence is love. Like
anything fundamentally integral to our being, it is easy to
take it for granted at times. The problem is, love is
something so innate that it can often get overshadowed—tuned
out by the drama of everyday life. When this happens, we
tend to get caught up in the mundane, the material, the
routine—and we miss observing the magic that exists in
everything—experiences, people, places and things. And
ironically, when you dig deep enough, we are all just
seeking love, but often times in all the wrong places. And
this can lead us to become easily distracted, overly
fearful, and habitual beings as we increasingly disconnect
from and lose sight of our essence. When it comes to matters
of the heart, once we get in the habit of focusing on the
things that go wrong, or could go wrong, it can be very
challenging to pivot our energy back toward hope, faith, and
joy, let alone the mother of all good vibes—love.

But when you take a step back, you begin to realize that all
the odds are in our favor. Just as there are countless ways
to get lost in negativity, there are infinite opportunities
to breathe in healthy love for the self and, in turn,
compassionate love for others. Our Mother Earth, Gaia, is
constantly creating, in abundance, naturally healing and
refocusing resources that serve as conduits of love, such as
crystals, essential oils, and herbs. The most notable of
these heartfelt gifts from our gracious planet is Rose
Quartz—a powerful healing crystal with deep metaphysical and
spiritual meaning found around the world, including
Madagascar, Brazil, India and South Dakota, to name a few.
What makes this stone so powerful is that it acts as a
strong magnifier of the heart—the body’s conscious feeling-
center—and hence, love.

Geologically speaking, Rose Quartz is a silicon dioxide
mineral compressed over eons of time at extremely high
temperatures and then cooled into a soft pink
crystallization of energy. But don’t be fooled by its subtle
color! While very soothing and healing to the spirit, Rose
Quartz is a powerful harmonizer of the body’s subtle
energies and its myriad properties work to get us back in
touch with love by helping us to remove the emotional wounds
and beliefs that keep us separated from it. Metaphysical
experts suggest to place Rose Quartz in every room of your
house to invite in the graceful energy of the heart chakra.
The same way that keeping a neat home creates a sense of
calm; Rose Quartz chunks sprinkled throughout your house
infuses a deep healing and rejuvenating energy and inspires
those who dwell there to always move from a space of love
and compassion. And no, you can’t possibly “over do it” with
Rose Quartz because the specific frequency of energy that
this stone emanates is rooted deep in the heart of each of
us. Though this stone is typically used on yourself rather
than others to invoke a deep connection to and feeling of
love, it is selfless in its expression. Like a seed—if it
does not properly ground in the soil and receive adequate
nourishment and care in order to plant roots, it will never
bloom into the inspirational beauty of a flower, plant or
tree that it is destined to become. Our hearts work the same
way, we must turn our attention inward, with the inspiration
and guidance of our intuition and deep connection to Mother
Earth, to ultimately reawaken and let the self-love within
us then flow out.

You can meditate or practice yoga with Rose
Quartz nearby to amplify your practice and help you awaken
heart-centered consciousness. If you have this stone
already, try it out! Hold a piece of healing Rose Quartz in
your left hand and receive the etheric energy as it flows
directly to your heart center or, if you like, place your
crystal-filled hand directly over your heart. In many
ancient systems of healing and medicine, the hands are
considered to be extensions of the heart, or as I like to
call them, “the wings of the heart.” Similarly, the lines in
your palms, when properly understood, directly reflect and
correlate to the state and health of your nervous system,
which in turn is connected to your chakras and subtle
etheric field. When the heart chakra is healthy and in
balance, the lower chakras feel secure and the higher
chakras—the throat (truth), the third eye (intuition), and
the crown (connection to the higher self) have the
opportunity to come to life. These higher chakras hold those
emotions we mentioned earlier: hope, faith, joy… but they
rest on the foundation of love found innately in the heart
and that can be activated by the powerful healing properties
of Rose Quartz. Love is the key that unlocks the whole
chakra system. The tricky thing is, the heart can become
weak when not given the proper nourishment and care, just
like any muscle, so it’s important to regularly tune in and
listen to what your body needs.

Physiologically, Rose Quartz is believed to strengthen a
weak heart as it helps to improve circulation. Emotionally,
all types of Quartz are pyroelectric, meaning they are able
to transmute heavy, sorrowful energies into lighter,
heartful energy by actually reorganizing the structure of
the atoms that surround the organ. Recent studies by the
Institute of HeartMath have shown that the heart has it’s
own nervous system and is a critical axonal junction in our
emotional and intuitive processing systems. Ancient cultures
were very aware of the healing properties crystals hold and
particularly the meaning of Rose Quartz. There are countless
legends and tales of love renewed, restored, and recharged
by mythological figures who used the properties of Rose
Quartz, such as Eros and Cupid, and Aphrodite and Adonis.
Even the Egyptians, Chinese, and Tibetan cultures utilized
this magical stone. For instance, the Egyptians left healing
Rose Quartz facial masks in the tombs with the sarcophagi of
the Pharaohs. It is believed that they used these alchemical
creations to maintain a youthful beauty, glowing skin, and
attract love, among other things.

These ancient cultures were very in tune with the rhythms of
the earth and knew how to utilize the meanings and
properties of Rose Quartz to evoke a specific intention.
From the records and artifacts they have left behind, we
know that there are many ways to connect with the love and
power that is intrinsic to our Mother Earth. The lesson here
is simple, surround yourself with those people, things and
circumstances that evoke love to remind yourself of the love
that you already are, because when you connect to and feel
this in your heart you are then able to share it with the

© 2015 Conscious Lifestyle Magazine:


I'll give you a piece of Rose Quartz...

Send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I will send
you a piece of Rose Quartz to keep with you at all times to
guide you in times of anger, resentment, or hatred, and to
promote love and health in your heart...

Rev. Robert Blake Stretton
1911 Hilfiker Ln #5
Eureka, CA 95503-5753


My Personal Belief...

My personal belief is that you can't rise above and fly to the spiritual world,
the next level, through the Pearly Gates, with the weight of hatred in your heart
anchoring you to earth.

Only with unconditional love in your heart can you transcend this
"Devils Playground", to a higher spiritual realm filled with pure love...

Death is ether a Thief, or a Messenger...

Rev. Robert Blake Stretton - since 4/22/2005

"Friend-to-the-End" Service Assistance in Hospice and Palliative Care...

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About Me:

My Mother, born as Eva Marie Starrett, God rest her soul,
was a single mom in the 60's. You think it's hard now, try it
in the 60's when women were not treated as equals, and so
my mom did the best she could to see that my little sister,
Terrylynne Stretton, God rest her soul too, and I had the
things she did not have growing up in the Depression. My
mom taught me to be honest and to tell the truth, and she
never gave me a cent, I had to earn it somehow, and I gave
her hell as a teenager, but before she died in 1995 we
became very good friends.

I bring you a perspective that none of you have. I am
disabled, although it is not physical, so you can't see
it, and that makes it much worse, and I've been this way
all 61 years of my life, but not officially until I was
45. I'm bi-polar, manic depressive, sensitive, I have
anger issues, and I'm very dyslexic, but it now is under
control for 16 years with the proper medication. I have
an above average IQ though and I'm very creative in many

But my greatest achievement is my ability to listen, I
had no choice. Being very dyslexic has taught me to be a
very good listener and I spent the 80's and 90's in
Silicon Valley ( what I call “The Devil's Playground” )
as an Electrician ( very little reading and writing
required ) where I would go everywhere and into peoples
homes where they live, because everybody needs
electricity, and I would talk with 100's of people in
their comfort zone about anything and everything,
including life, death, and the important things in their
lives, and I have earned my Master's Degree in “Life and
the School of Hard Knocks”.

It's not easy at all to be handicapped but I have spent
my life serving others with their wants and needs with
the skills and talents that I have, and the time it
counts the most is in the end of life as I have been a
“Friend-to-the-End” 5 times now on my own, and is now my
final goal to help others in their time of need at the
end of life, to listen, and to offer peace in their
hearts so they can move on with pure love in their

I am so adamant about helping people I became ordained in
2005 in the church of Spiritual Humanism to help guide
people how to live, and then transcend “The Devil's
Playground” to a higher spiritual realm without the
anchor of hatred keeping us on Earth, the place where we
learn by experience how to love and then and only then
can we transcend to pure love...

I have had heart-to-heart conversations with 100's from
bums to billionaires about life and I've heard it all
about what is important to them, and it all comes down to
love and respect for others and their ways.

I always treat people with the up-most respect and I
listen carefully to what they have to say, and offer my
friendship, and assistance, always, for anything shy of

I do have expenses to operate and offer my services and
your donation of any amount will go a long way to helping
others in their most important time, now...


I'm a "Friend-to-the-End" and I'm here to listen and assist you anyway I can...

reb phone image

Contact Me Anytime:
Home/Office: 707-444-9650
Cellphone: 707-572-8115
Toll-Free: 855-415-RBSe(7273)
Live Chat: In the Corner
Email: RBSe@Yahoo.com

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Have a Sunny Heart!


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